Monday, May 30, 2011

Favorite Book

For the book I would choose if all the books in the universe just went away. I think that I would choose Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The author is J.K. Rowling. 
The reason that I would choose this book is because it has adventure, mystery, danger,puzzles, and suspense. These qualities are what I look for in reading. It is also my favorite book out of the series. J.K. Rowling writes so well that I feel as if I am in the book myself. I love the way that she doesn't leave you hanging in the chapters. It is also easy to read for me. I am not confused when I read the book, but there are some chapters that I struggled on. 
I love the series like I said, but this is my all time favorite book.
What is your favorite book?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Favorite Movie

Best movies ever 

First off I have to say I have many favorite movies. I have a series that is my favorite movies. My favorite movie series is Harry Potter. The director's of the Harry Potter movies are Chris Columbus, David Yates, Mike Newwell, and Alfonso Cuaron. The movies are based off of the books which was written by J.K. Rowling. The actors are Emma Waston, Daneil Radcliff, and Rupert Grint. There are a lot more, but I am sure most people have heard of this series. I also don't want there to be a list a million times long on all the actors. The series of movies came out in 2001 to the final movie coming out this year on July 15. 
I think that I enjoy the movies because they are so exciting and full of adventure. I also feel as if I am in the movie itself just like the books. The storyline of the movies are just captivating. They don't rush through on how they set the movie up. The music is great. The movies are great for kids I think. There may be some violence, but I love the movies. The moral of the movies are great as well. It is as if the movies/books are saying never give up on anything. I mean if you have an enemy don't go out and get revenge. Harry Potter never hurts anyone in the movies.
I have watched the movies about at least 30 times if not more on all of them. I literally got new DVDs for Christmas because I had burned up the other ones I had.
Well these are my favorite movies. What are yours? 

Friday, May 20, 2011


When you think of technology you think oh new cell phones, computers, and etc. When I think of it I think oh great new stuff that you have to have in order to be up in the high rollers! I think that technology is good and bad. It's good because if you get lost out in the middle of nowhere you can use your GPS to help find your way. Then you have the technology that is just crazy! Like how companies use the tech. to replace workers. Also tech. can be bad because there are some products out there that show your location and post it on facebook and etc.. What happens if some creep see's it and then BOOM your robbed, have your child taken, or worse killed. I have personal reason's on how I know this. I used to check in on facebook where I was and then I just had random people text me and say " I know where you are" yeah I never have done it again. Scared me! I think that technology is taken over this world. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

3 children that have my heart forever :D

This is my lil chicken Emily <6>
This is Riley my sweetheart <3>

This is Luke my chunk a monk <1>

Well I know that one of the biggest things that I love are my nieces and nephews. To be more specific my two nieces Emily and Riley. Then you have my nephew Luke. I will tell you that these kids are my life. They are the reason that I try my hardest in college, work, and my everyday life. Emily is the oldest of her siblings. First off we didn't think my sister would ever get to have kids, but the day she had Emily was the day I made a promise that I would do my best to be the best Aunt in the world. If you was to ask Emily who is her favorite she will tell you ME! I love her with all my heart and she is my lil chicken for life. It's so sad to think that she is growing up so fast, but I know that with the influence that I have shown her she will be fine. The funny thing is she is very smart. She told me that I was never allowed to have kids, because she doesn't want to loose me. I thought that was pretty funny.

Next in line you have the most sweetest little girl you could ever meet. Her name is Riley Ann  she is my little sweetheart. She is our angel sent from God. When she was born she was taken away from us so quickly it scared all of us. She was born with Glocoma in her right eye. It was very hard for her she is 3 years old and has been through 5 major operations in her life. I love her to death as well. She is so much easier to entertain than Emily. Riley has some problems, but she is the strongest girl you will meet. 

Finally last, but NOT least. You have Luke he is my chunk-a-monk! He is only 1, but all ready has my heart since the day he was born. He has the biggest brownest eyes you will ever see. So sweet, but man you make him mad watch out. He is only one so he doesn't have much. but I love him no matter what!

Well theses kids will always have my heart. And I wrote about them because they make me the happiest Aunt in the world.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Power Of Advertising!

           The power of advertising is a way for companies to get their product out there to people, but in the same way it downgrades something or someone. That is how I see it at least. The types of Ads that appeal to me are the ones that have a purpose. I think that the Ads in the newspaper that shows you where you can buy a car at for cheap. There are also ads that display food items that are on sale at a store. The Ads I can’t stand are the ones that show animals getting abused it makes me sick. I don’t like watching them because it is sad to see an animal like that not to mention I want to jump through the screen and bring all of them back home. Another ad that bugs me is the one where they show you the kids starving and can’t afford shoes. If you think about it they spend like 25,000 dollars on that ad so why can’t they not do the Ad and give the money to the kids. I am not against helping kids by all means. I just think it’s kind of ironic how they do that one. There are many Ads that are pointless to me. Some examples are fragrance, clothes, and stupid food ads. I just like some ads are better than others. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Facebook :D

I will have to admit it someday so why not now. I am a Facebook user because I can talk to my friends through chat. I like to see what people are up to in their life. I have friends from around the world I talk to. I like updating my status and uploading lots of pictures. I think that people are addicted to Facebook, but it is fun. I am addicted to Facebook if I don’t go on there at least once a day I seriously start feeling like really upset. I have 564 friends on Facebook, but I used to have 2,768 friends. I started feeling like an idiot for having that many and not knowing them. I also have pictures of my house and family I don’t want creepers looking at that. So to say that I am cautious on who is looking at my stuff on my page yes I am. I know that there are a lot of weird people out there and I don’t want them to see anything. When I hear about someone not getting hired to a job because of what they were posting on Facebook I think that it’s a great idea. I wouldn't want to hire someone if they were fake and said that they were highly recommend and that they don’t do drugs, but you look on their Facebook and there they are snorting coke or shooting up heroine. It is a smart idea and I don’t think that it invades their privacy because they are the one that doesn’t have their content blocked from people who are not their friends. Facebook has its risks. There is spam you can get viruses it’s not full proof, but I mean some of it if not all of it can be avoided. Don’t add someone you don’t know that’s the easiest thing to do. And it a friend is chatting with you and a random URL link pops up tell them they have spam. With big business and television stations having a Facebook I think it is awesome. I love to know when a TV show is going to be new or old, if they are coming out with new shows, and if they are cancelling one. It’s nice to have. With the businesses it’s a good way to get their product out there not to mention some of them give you free samples which is great. I think Facebook all in out is a great place, but then again that’s my opinion what is yours? 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Major in Life

My Major 
My major at Wright State University is Criminal Justice.  The reason why I chose Criminal Justice is because when I was younger and even now I know a lot of police officers. I think that what they do is something special. I want to help the world and most of all help people who are in trouble. The number one thing I want to do in my life is help as many people as I can. I also know that I can do many different things with a Criminal Justice degree.  I know that I have many qualities and strengths for this kind of job employment. One of my biggest strengths I think I have is I can listen; some people just need someone to listen to them. I also think ahead of a situation. I think being one step ahead is the key to being a good cop. When I graduate I plan to stay in Ohio for maybe 2-4 years, but my biggest goal is to move somewhere that has a F.B.I base. My ideal job would be to first start out as a cop in Dayton or Miamisburg. Then I want to move and become an FBI agent.     

Friday, April 15, 2011

Is TV bad?

Is TV Bad?
If we could unplug all the televisions in the world I think that our children would be better off. I feel that kids don’t understand what “go outside and play,” means. I know that my niece is six years old and watches TV and learned how to speak Spanish because of Dora the Explorer. I know there is some TV shows out there that are good and educational, but the good is out down by the bad. There is a lot of stupid TV shows out there that kids shouldn’t watch. The sad thing is its TV channels that are for just kids. I think that kids would be healthier if it wasn’t for TV. I know that when I watch TV or movies I love to eat junk food and drink a lot of pop. It is really bad for you and I know that, but it’s not like I am outside where everyone can see me. I am inside and alone in a comfortable environment. I know that I was very independent as a child, but I see kids today and they think that watching TV and staying inside, eating junk food, and not caring about anything is the only way to be independent. I think that kids would be better off without TV; they would be independent and have to learn things about nature. I don’t think that kids respect any better either, because they learn to be just like the TV actors. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

The Hangover 
By Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

I chose this image based on the colors and representation of what the image means to me.
The image hits me close to home because to me it reminds me of my mother.

The picture is of Suzanne Valadon whom she was a model for Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and in return he gave her painting lessons. Henri was known for frequenting taverns and drawing from those experiences.
An early injury to his legs resulted in stunted growth later in life.  He began painting during the healing process. Years of taunting of his short stature started his drinking which eventually led to him having an alcoholic problem. It also led to his death.

The purpose of “The Hangover” was to show everyday life at the time and it symbolizes how Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec becomes such a great painter.

The media is an oil paint on canvas. The painting itself looks almost as if it he was thinking about it rather than actually being there in human form.  The colors seem to me that they are muted and depressing. It also looks more as if the design was free drawn first then it was painted. 
This painting would appeal to an audience that prefers a less realistic and more of a caricature type genre
In my opinion this is not a panting I would put on my wall, but it still has a unique stance of imagery to which I can personally relate.   

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why I chose Wright State!

            Why I chose Wright State University. This question can be answered in many different ways for me. The main reason why I chose WSU was for the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC). I was in JROTC for four years in high school. I love the military with all my heart. I wanted to be able to defend my country. The only problem was picking a good college with a good program. In the end I did chose WSU.
            The other reason for WSU is because I wanted a good criminal justice program. I looked into other colleges around me, but WSU seemed like it had the best of the best. I had planned on going to Ohio Christian University, but I felt like it was too far away from home. Then I compared their college to WSU and I felt like WSU was better in size, instructors, and classroom. I have always wanted a college with a lot of people. I love meeting new people everyday and here at WSU I can do that.
            Wright State has made me feel more independent then what I think other colleges would have made me feel. The only thing that I hate about WSU is some of the teachers here don’t really care about you. In some ways we are just dollar signs to some and students to others. I do plan on staying at Wright State for four more years. I feel like I have a lot to learn and WSU is where I need to be.