Monday, April 25, 2011

Facebook :D

I will have to admit it someday so why not now. I am a Facebook user because I can talk to my friends through chat. I like to see what people are up to in their life. I have friends from around the world I talk to. I like updating my status and uploading lots of pictures. I think that people are addicted to Facebook, but it is fun. I am addicted to Facebook if I don’t go on there at least once a day I seriously start feeling like really upset. I have 564 friends on Facebook, but I used to have 2,768 friends. I started feeling like an idiot for having that many and not knowing them. I also have pictures of my house and family I don’t want creepers looking at that. So to say that I am cautious on who is looking at my stuff on my page yes I am. I know that there are a lot of weird people out there and I don’t want them to see anything. When I hear about someone not getting hired to a job because of what they were posting on Facebook I think that it’s a great idea. I wouldn't want to hire someone if they were fake and said that they were highly recommend and that they don’t do drugs, but you look on their Facebook and there they are snorting coke or shooting up heroine. It is a smart idea and I don’t think that it invades their privacy because they are the one that doesn’t have their content blocked from people who are not their friends. Facebook has its risks. There is spam you can get viruses it’s not full proof, but I mean some of it if not all of it can be avoided. Don’t add someone you don’t know that’s the easiest thing to do. And it a friend is chatting with you and a random URL link pops up tell them they have spam. With big business and television stations having a Facebook I think it is awesome. I love to know when a TV show is going to be new or old, if they are coming out with new shows, and if they are cancelling one. It’s nice to have. With the businesses it’s a good way to get their product out there not to mention some of them give you free samples which is great. I think Facebook all in out is a great place, but then again that’s my opinion what is yours? 


  1. I'm cautious about who looks at my page too... people are crazy out there! I think Facebook is great, though!

  2. I completely agree with you. I am on Facebook often, not necessarily because I am interested, more or less I am just bored. But it has been great for keeping in touch with my friends!
